I feel like an empty vessel. That sentence implied that a vessel's purpose is meant to be filled, and through that find contentment, satisfaction, a sense of purpose etc. But isn't quite common that vessels remain empty and purposefully so? For instance, it's not uncommon for a person to have an expensive or cherished vase as decoration in their living room or dining area. And it remains empty for years and years, perhaps never being filled at all. The owner of said vessel is quite satisfied with this though, and as we all know, very protective of this vase. I know 'vessel' can refer to a number of things, but for me personally, an open container is the most simple and powerful symbol.
But even if we examine a necessarily functional vessel such as a glass we can quickly come to the conclusion that it is not as functional as we believe it to be. Or rather, it spends more time being empty then being used. A typical glass spends most of its time sitting empty in a cupboard before it is put to use. Usually this is on a regular basis, but after hopefully being washed it's back to cupboard and darkness. And unceremoniously turned on its head so to speak.
People are neither glasses or vases, obviously, but this train of thought begs the question: which would you rather be?
Edit: This might be thread starter material.