y'all believe in coincidence?
I'm so tired
Mentally, emotionally...
I want to just crawl back into my hole, under my rock until I'm ready to come out.
i know this feel.Omg I think I hate Indians. So my phone service provider made a mistake on my bill and I had to call in smh. I was already irritated trying to get to an actual person because of course they have all these automated options and dialing zero doesn't work anymore. Horrible customer service. But that wasn't enough, apparently they outsource customer service to India/south east Asia and they are the worst. I couldn't understand sh1t they were saying and they couldn't understand me. Why oh why do they outsource to them? Why even outsource customer service to a non-English speaking country? At least outsource it to Puerto Rico, México, the Bahamas, shoot I'll take Far East Asia or Eastern Europe, I can at least understand them even with their accents. Indian accents are woat.
I'm seriously considering changing providers because it was such a pain in the ass.
End rant.
Get to shucking corn with @Gambino
Omg I think I hate Indians. So my phone service provider made a mistake on my bill and I had to call in smh. I was already irritated trying to get to an actual person because of course they have all these automated options and dialing zero doesn't work anymore. Horrible customer service. But that wasn't enough, apparently they outsource customer service to India/south east Asia and they are the worst. I couldn't understand sh1t they were saying and they couldn't understand me. Why oh why do they outsource to them? Why even outsource customer service to a non-English speaking country? At least outsource it to Puerto Rico, México, the Bahamas, shoot I'll take Far East Asia or Eastern Europe, I can at least understand them even with their accents. Indian accents are woat.
I'm seriously considering changing providers because it was such a pain in the ass.
End rant.
got a problem, bama?
i'm a sucker for smooth chocolate skinomg.