What you see, is what you get
I think one of the worse things I bought was this 2-in-1 tablet. Next tablet I buy will be android based.
I'm dying. And if I didn't believe in hell I'd be dead. Ultimately the death would be meaningless because I don't know why I feel this way. And no, I really don't care about how my death would make others feel because it'd be forgotten in a few weeks time anyway. Ashes to ashes dust to dust.
"But so many people would love to have your life."
So then, let the good Lord make that transfer. I should have died in 2010. I know who I'd make that transfer with in a heartbeat.
Don't even have to take em of, just pull em to the side
- 50 cent
Don't even have to take em of, just pull em to the side
- 50 cent
Don't even have to take em of, just pull em to the side
- 50 cent