Too tired to think of something witty to say...
They say he/she was an attention seeker.... But what do you think you are doing replying in one of those threads?Its always like that.
I mean usernames ive never encountered a day on here posting about their deep disdain for a poster
shyt like that has happened to me.
Especially during my last ban.i was reading one of those threads and was like "WHO ARE THESE nikkaS? ??
PK got banned on a bet... Who cares. If I see one more thread about that shyt. People get banned all the time.
She lied to stir the pot.... But think about how many lying ass people that still post here everyday and people know they are lying.
I say the next person who makes a thread about that shyt needs to be banned too.
Bunch weirdos on here worried about who is e-simping who and who doesn't have the balls to talk to a woman in real life. I've never got why people on here are so obsessed over this particular subject. What does it matter? We are all people that post bits and pieces of our lives on the coli.... Most people are e flirting on some funny shyt.
People take this internet stuff waaay too seriously....
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