I'm still laughing at her trying to say
@Coco has a big nose. She literally lurked this thread and saw those posts Coco made about wanting a nose job (trolling or not) and used it against Coco. I've told
@marcuz that coco's nose is relatively small. If she got a nose job, would she even be able to breathe? She reached and exaggerated shyt to just sting at people. That's why I told yall to stop making these self pity/doubting posts because lurkers are watching and waiting to use it against u. Had
@Coco never mentioned wanting a nose job and say always talked about how cute her nose is, I guarantee you she would've been stuck and couldn't find anything to go at you over. She went for the easiest shyt.
You're nose is not big. Even if it was, so what? That shyt sounded anti Black and she should've been banned for that alone.
Same way she went at
@CinnaSlim 's hair (that sounded anti Black as fukk too).