Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts

Street Knowledge

May 2, 2012
Uber eats and door dash wasn’t a thing when I was in High School, I wonder how that works in school now :patrice:

Do kids just order to the school and the school is just ok with dozens of random people showing up to deliver food in the parking lot? Are they allowed to come inside. My school had a policy where you weren’t allowed to leave the school during lunch to get food.


Dec 11, 2015
First time since 2012 where i didnt have a love interest (whether dating or a gf).

And the thing is i actually put myself out there. Then i realized this morning that its for the better. Im broken as fukk. Time gonna be my neosporin (dont want to get involved again only to repeat mistakes and act on traumas, especially when drinking/drunk - a friend recently told me that alcohol isnt your friend).

Falling too hard too fast and too easy is something young people do. “Control your emotions middle aged man” (me to myself).

They say if you keep doing the same shiit expecting different results = insanity. Guess im a crazy mothafukka.

I used to switch avis like i do my tennis shoes. This must be the longest ive maintained a single image. Never cared to change it and now i know why. Subconsciously im still hurt and feel that its her not giving me a third chance is really hitting like… her loss (but she healing too, so maybe time will reconnect us. And im actually waiting and will until i die. Its been half a year on some “6 months 8 daze 12 hours since you been away (but its actually 11 days and 19 hours… approaching fifty leven seconds).

I even have the shirt of the models face/album
Cover from the 21/Drizzy album. I dont have social media… but everytime i wear it, its breaks society.

And while were at it… to end this:

Take Care set the bar so high i never really gave Drakes successive albums any fair assessments/thuro engagements.

If Your Reading This has some of the best production ive ever heard. This is a fukking mazing.

Ive been doing whole lot of shiit on my own lately. Just got back from the orient on some solo shiit.

Today, im going to eat at the buffet by myself.

Last bit, think yall will get a kick out of this one:

This mexican guy approached me at the gym recently (yes hetero) and said he saw me downtown crossing the street.

I said when was this?

He said about ten years ago.

Then i asked how did he remember that?

He replied, “well it was actually my girlfriend at the time who complimented your outfit when you were crossing the street, we were stopped at the light on the way to dinner…

She remembered you mainly because you were an ethnic dude with a mullet and air jordans. And to top it off: You blew a kiss at the stopped cars and we were dying… like “whos this guy? Lol” She thought it was so hysterical at the time (and still does). How would anyone forget something like that? That whole experience; your gesture, unforgettable look… it was like me and the wifey had the same dream. We still talk about it to this day and to actually run into you after all this time —- is just surreal as hell!”

I chuckled because i didnt think i would actually encounter someone who got hit by my social
Troll maneuvers.

Then homedude goes,

Btw, shes actually on the treadmill there *chick waves at me*.

Turns out they already saw me at the gym a few times but didnt know if i was actually the guy from the light years back. Finally approaching me confirmed it… but the initial dead giveaway was the hair (i still look exactly the way i did in 2012 - didnt age a day: same look, same weight/stature, same attitude… still trollin).

Then he tells me their married now and that they have a son and a daughter… and the son had a mullet for several years but eventually cut it when he started elementary school (kids kept teasing him).

Just when i thought Nothing Was The Same…

Go figure. Lol.



@PAWG Life



Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
