The Picasso of the Ghetto
Did not Pharrell ghost wrote it

That beat a monster tho

hey now
Hire a 20 something live in nannyI really want to go full-time, but I’d need to find an employer with an on-site daycare…otherwise I’d be paying $700/week for the doublemints in another daycare.
I don’t want them to be in daycare because I don’t trust these crazies out here, but I want to work more. 4 hrs a day isn’t enough, I really enjoy what I do and I don’t wanna clock out…but that feeling may change if I change to an employer (hospital) that provides onsite daycare
I’m gonna have a hard time convincing Mr. Pseudonym
We ordered pizza and a Turkey sub. When the guy delivered the order, there were two subs.
I checked the order to make sure I wasn’t charged twice.
It was in the bag with our address on it.
My abundance candles are working!
Free lunch tomorrow
Happy Birthday to the GOAT console
A cool recap of the year including the games that came out by Adam...11 new games came out this year
To start the celebratory post, some really cool news from Citrus3000 and Chris
Not exactly sure of the ramifications here but potentially giving the dreamcast access to Naomi games if I'm reading this right would be a game changer....some fantastuc games came out on the naomi 2 all the way to like 2007
Meanwhile just a yearly update on my situation
My main DC still running, still having it running disc to feel "authentically nostalgic" or whatever and the DCHDMI still going strong, they renamed it to DCDigital now though so if you're updating the firmware that's what you'll see now.....they still havent given us a 1440p option, thought that might be on the new one maybe
My secondary dreamcast, the one this thread was made for in the first place going good too....whenever this new DCDigital mod comes out I'll probably get this one fitted with that, and then it will be the ultimate modded DC with both that and a GDEMU it already has installed
This brooks adapter has been a godsend, its taking everything I throw at it and with updates even PS5 and Xbox Series controllers
I've been experimenting heavy with emulation....if you're in the Xbox thread you know I play around with the emulation scene on there and the perks to emulating Dreamcast are also great, proper 4K widescreen gameplay, can change controller functions like using the right analog stick for some of those 3D dreamcast shooters...playing Outtrigger on a xbox controller with real right stick support is a gamechanger and I honestly don't know if I can go back to playing it on native hardware
Also cool is that with the Flycast emulator you can play Naomi games...and its some really cool games that are on there that never made their way to Dreamcast due to them jumping out of the console business.... Virtua NBA is pretty damn fun and would have been a nice alternative to the 2K series
So that's basically it from me.....Dreamcast community still doing its thing somehow....and we'll just be patient waiting on the new things that come to us
Also retweet this tweet by Bitstation to join ther raffle for free new dreamcast games
@Ol’Otis how can Cali dudes watch Snowfall each season knowing how this UK actor sounds in real life
That entire interview exchange is just cringey asf
- pulled up every stereotype imaginable for a white host, white audience - df
This is equivalent to my first time finding out that Idris Elba wasn’t from New York with the accent that he had on The Wire
Not that I’m an accentist and some of my friends are UK but damn - hearing the real voice just hits way different and changes the tone of the show
Side note - No offense @RehReh![]()
PAAG’n ass knee grow![]()
Lord take me back