Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Aug 22, 2015
I met the most amazing woman yesterday. We probably spoke for close to an hour and I haven't stopped thinking about her since.

I just want to call her but I know I need to exercise restraint. I'm really hoping this could be something special.

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
A lot of current and ex SOF personnel moving in and out with civilians with special prerogatives to agitate and manage "bubbles" of conflict in certain cities. This includes major scenes of violence as seen in Vegas, Orlando, etc.

These same operators are also typical go in betweens for managing sex, drug, etc..trafficking deals between buyers and sellers as well. For example, "managing" includes the I-95 corridor with certain trucks not being subjected to weight check ins and local law enforcement being explicitly warned not to stop these trucks and their "cargo", this also includes intl shipping through ports in certain major cities alongside the I 95 corridor.

Such operators work typically in 6 to 8 man units working in typical civilian occupations with some manuevering as homeless, mentially deficient or in professional positions such as managers, accountants, etc.. Here in Charlotte, there are typically six to eight units operating with two usually solely roving around Wells Fargo Eastern HQ and Bank of America HQ.

The I-95 corridor is nicknamed "The Love Tunnel" because a lot of the girls picked up from the East Coast come from or are routed through the major cities that the interstate traverses (excluding Atlanta)..D.C., Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia and Miami are major points especially since most of those cities have major ports that allow traffic to be sent overseas into Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

A lot of these celebrities make their money actually participating in sex and organ trafficking btw.

The I-95 and I-5 corridor are called the "highways of love" because of the actual black market organs (etc.. hearts), kids and women being shipped up and down those roads.

You have kids and women from Mexico and S. America coming up and kids and women from Canada, Russia and Asia coming down on the West Coast. Major transit ports of Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle..

Miami takes in a lot of women and children from the Caribbean.. Atlanta, D. C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and NYC directly feed bodies into the I-95 corridor. Body snatchers are heavy in these East Coast cities.. You can make 5k-7k a body if you're connected to the life. The DMV area is a hotspot for a lot of reasons but the constant need for fresh bodies there makes it very dangerous for black folks.. especially black women.

Going to deviate a bit because I’ve been talking about this problem for YEARS..on here.
