i was getting the porn w/ women and attaching to colours to reprogram or atleast combat this warfare going on..
they started now using grey / and white i sh1t you not
as well the online sh1t i link and post you have no clue how long it takes to find sh1t
my searches are buried and even some of the sh1t i post are compromises
like i seen on here the other day people talking about ex's
no i don't give 2 fux about that b*tch in pittsburgh

and yes it's indifference

which is the opposite of love not hate
but they'll have all the youtube channels her name or her illegitimate daughters name
i don't download sh1t i just copy and post so that's not my sh1t
and i don't follow them nor anyone
on to the porn, they'll have the male character especially if blk doing fakkit sh1t

even if w/ female or behaving feminine
so as i said after hours upon hours searching you get what you can come away w/
some say why post at all

if you true creative, you got to do something it has to / it needs to come out some sort of way
like i need to get the f*ck out of here.