No offense but us 30 and up folks need to remember that we are 30 and up. We aren't the trendsetters anymore and that's okay. At this point, it should be about being true to yourself as a person and no longer being cool or trendy to other people who probably don't even like who themselves. By now folks should be knowing about who they are vs who they are not. Not worrying about trying to be apart of the next trend that the younger gen is on. Let them have their moment.
It's okay to grow old. Folks scared of getting old.
i dont blame them because it's one step closer to death. As they say, we are closer to the day we die vs the day we were born. How you accept that is whether you get it or not.
for me, accepting my mortality is REAL. It's made me really think and made me vulnerable. Just watching dirty jobs on discovery early. I felt sorry for that poor sheep that got castrated. That poor sheep. They were a baby too. Who are us humans to dictates another animals life cycle or alter their lives.
As a human, I'm kind of tired of having to remind other humans of my
humanity. Like do I really have to remind other humans that they are human too? Like I know I'm different but see, that difference has helped me look at this multilayered trap called the American dream for what it is, the trap. Drug dealing isn't the only trap that's out here. EGO TRAPS KILLS PEOPLE DAILY. And there are many forms of death. You can be physically alive but dead mentally and/or spiritually or another aspect. Basically a lot of people are really the walking dead out here for real. As long as they are happy with life or comfortable, they're good. They are happy staying and remaining ignorant.
I get that time never stops but there's absolutely nothing wrong with stopping sometimes just to breath and live in the moment. All these inflated ego folks aren't really living. Life is much more than keeping up with this American rat race to nothingness. The American way discounts life where we have to remember that life is priceless. You can't buy a life yet folks are acting like their life is a pricetag. Sad to say this to people out here but don't be afraid to value your life.
But accepting your getting old doesn't mean they you have think like you're old. Maturing is completely different from aging.