Should be front page but not posted or no chatter at all ....ok

77 Ghostface\u00a0Gangsters indicted, viewed as fastest\u00a0growing white gang in U.S.
77 Ghostface Gangsters indicted, viewed as fastest growing white gang in U.S.
Ghostface Gangsters is considered the fastest growing white gang in the country, local authorities say.
The single largest gang investigation in Georgia – that’s how local and state officials are describing Operation Kibosh, led by the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office against the Ghostface Gangsters Criminal street gang.
The investigation yielded indictments against 77 gang members, with 56 in custody and 21 at large.
Throughout the three-year investigation, members of the sheriff's office's Gang Intelligence Unit identified members involved in the gang and compiled information on 163 members and associates in the Augusta-Richmond County area.
“This investigation was initiated based on the gang’s affiliation with high levels of drug distribution and violent crimes,” Sheriff Richard Roundtree said at a news conference Friday announcing the arrests and indictments. “We know that attacking criminal organizations at the core is the most effective way to remove lawless street gang members from our society and have the greatest impact on gang prosecution.
The gang is involved in criminal cases throughout Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee and deep into the Georgia Department of Corrections. According to the sheriff’s office, the Ghostface Gangsters are trying to expand into neighboring states and are considered the fastest growing white gang in the country with around 5,000 members comprised of white supremacist and Gangster Disciple Affiliates.
——What’s the deal??