- wanna feel skinny, just hit an airport. This truly is a fat country
- speaking of which, this fat white woman was spilling out of her seat into the aisle, buy two seats heifer
- furthermore, fat people and groups need to stop being cheap buying economy basic fare, you know they’re going to assign your seat and you know at that point it’s basically all middle seats and/or seats not together. no, I’m not moving so you can sit by your wife and kid or friends all because your dumbass didn’t want to pay $30/ticket more to select seats all together. This man has the nerve to go off on the person who didn’t want to trade with him as if he was ENTITLED to sitting by his family
and fat people who do this are just a$$holes, now your hard breathing, sweaty roll having ass is pushing into me by the window and into the breh on the aisle
- buy a corvette only to drive 50 on the freeway brehs
- I’m official auntie status, I really wanna be telling these lil trollops about how to not look so trashy including wearing the right, SUPPORTIVE, undergarments
- black business owners *sigh*...

why y’all always got an emergency and need to close early, reschedule or ask if I can come 30 minutes later - when I’m already ON THE WAY! third time this week a visit to a black establishment (two in DC, one in Oakland) has been derailed