Nut ass nicca 

Gassy but cool
how are you?
The hell you been at
Wow. I’m so sorry to hear that. Was she dealing with depression her entire life or do you think it was pandemic related? Prayers to her all her loved ones.Just found out my homegirl killed herself this morning. This shyt fukked me up. Just spoke with her two weeks ago as part of our normal check ins and everything was G. I already don’t have a lot of close friends as it is, and this one just hurt my soul.
No clear signs of depression. We talked every two weeks, cracked jokes like always and talked about any and everything.Wow. I’m so sorry to hear that. Was she dealing with depression her entire life or do you think it was pandemic related? Prayers to her all her loved ones.
Damn that’s even worse…when there are no signs. At least with depression you can understand why she did it instead of it being out the blue. Sorry again for your loss.No clear signs of depression. We talked every two weeks, cracked jokes like always and talked about any and everything.