don’t get discouraged, the mental health system in America is horrible (I’m assuming you’re here). To get a psychologist or a psychiatrist takes a month or two sometimes for new patients, and by the time the appointment comes patients either “feel better” or have something else come up that they didn’t know about 2 months ago. If it’s an emergency, they’ll tell you to go to the hospital and they’ll throw you in a behavioral health center with ( I apologize) more dangerous mentally ill people with schizo, delusions, psychopathy. I’ve heard horror stories about nurses,doctors, and patients getting attacked by someone having an episode

What really irks me as a nurse is that even if someone is not suicidal, if they are having a “mental health crisis” aka breakdown, panic attack, etc they are then Baker Acted and that’s on file forever

Don’t even get me started about doctors getting paid to prescribe medications