Pretty boi CFO Squirrels Burgers KillaKwuads
Movie was from 2003, you expect me to think she looks the same as she did when I was still running around in Spider-Man sketchers? Uncalled forThis is why people call you kid lol
Movie was from 2003, you expect me to think she looks the same as she did when I was still running around in Spider-Man sketchers? Uncalled forThis is why people call you kid lol
Movie was from 2003, you expect me to think she looks the same as she did when I was still running around in Spider-Man sketchers? Uncalled for
Safemoon?Man I brought some crypto this morning like millions of it... and I know its a long shot but that's why I'm gonna bury them now and wait... because people make money off meme coins... then it hit me a few days ago even meme coins have value too.. all I need to do is hit a penny to .50 and im caking brehs... my retirement might come early...
Once I get out this cycle I’m going to be SOOO great.
I can feel it.