Lurkers -Just to set the record straight, since alot of people are hitting me up over the past few hours OMB Jay Dee is not talking about me as the “NY drill rap blogger”. I am not that “Nicole”
@Freddie.Cane drill rap heads doing name association guessing games in drill rap beef with Fivio and OMB Jay Dee that I have no ties to; I’m getting texts and emails - I’m not that “Nicole” he’s talking about. I don’t even blog/podcast and I’m not from Brownsville. But whoever that “Nicole” is she better chill from inciting conflict with sets, “talk of the town” of whatever her dba is doesn’t want those type of problems it will backfire in a way she didn’t plan for - Jay Dee is known for popping off.

That’s Not me- I’m neutral as far as this music goes. I will say that if it wasn’t for Jay Dee, Fiv wouldn’t be popping like that. At all.
@and 77 others thanks for the lookout-

I didn’t know until you dropped the link. I had no idea; trust it’s all a coincidence. I don’t blog or podcast - I know who I know but that’s the extent and the ig live talking about JD has dominican connections didn’t help but that’s not my drama. I’m not even on social media like that. This is exactly why
