i can't get into it
IDK y tho
I kinds want The Chi to come back on
it ain't enough black shows out there
The Chi is my show too! It just went off so I’ll be waiting a year on that one too.

i can't get into it
IDK y tho
I kinds want The Chi to come back on
it ain't enough black shows out there
That's for pilots and boaters. They need that information too.Shout out to weathermen telling us the barometric pressure like we know what the hell to do with that information.
That's for pilots and boaters. They need that information too.
For boaters and fishermen especially.
As for me I know this because when i was a piloting major in college one of the things my professor pointed out made me pay attention to more details when watching the weather forcast. Thus why airplane pilots are required to take meteorology in college. Of course when you get to your airfield you get more detailed information but while at hme you can get this in weather forecast and have an idea what you might face. Understand how the weather will impact your aircraft causing condensation and other things that might cause water to build up in your fuel tank.
Shout out to weathermen telling us the barometric pressure like most of us know what the hell to do with that information.
My submission to G4
Appreciate it brehThat was dope as fukk breh