My sister’s choice to forgo chemotherapy and radiation and instead choose a vegan lifestyle is petrifying to me but for someone reason I get it. While I can’t go vegan, (I love meat way too much

) in the spirit of solidarity and being more healthy to alleviate some of my own serious medical issues, I’m going to slowly start removing unhealthy foods from my diet.
First up is my love for Coca Cola. Once my last two cans are gone from the refrigerator, I am done.
I will slowly eliminate things until I feel like I’m on my most heathy track. It’s much harder for me since I’m an extremely picky eater as is but I want to be healthier and I also want her to know that she’s not in this alone. It’s important that she knows that she has a team.
Side note:
@The M.I.C. that does NOT mean that you aren’t going to pay what you owe. I can take one day off to receive my steak and shrimp!