Gas is $1.64 a gallon out here
When your local utilities start saying they’re going to keep shyt on without payment.. that means they’re getting ready for a mass lockdown. Take the hint and stock yourselves up with necessities before authorities panic and shut everything down.
The 80s bike?I REALLLLLLYYYYYYYY hope this coronavirus collapses society and forces the stock market to crash like it did in 1929
I really want that to happen
I REALLLLLLYYYYYYYY hope this coronavirus collapses society and forces the stock market to crash like it did in 1929
I really want that to happen
I REALLLLLLYYYYYYYY hope this coronavirus collapses society and forces the stock market to crash like it did in 1929
I really want that to happen
The 80s bike?
all factsA lot of instability.
This is nothing like 1987.. this is uncharted territory because you have an adverse event that can’t be remedied by monetary fixes. Which is further compounded by the fact the economy has been zombified since ‘08 by a trillions of debt and the market is finally realizing after eleven years that there is not enough money to pay this shyt back on top of this virus shyt decimating economic productivity at the moment.
I want that ...I’m usually the one who puts up a message like this but even the prospect of this scenario, which is highly probable, is nothing that you want to welcome. This generation is far, far removed from the politeness of the generation that went through the Great Depression and it will be every man for himself to the end.
That’s right boss send me home, I’m good