Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Oct 29, 2012

Compassion, Empathy & Support is what women offer and ask for in return. In exchange for respect & protection.

When the men cannot offer protection, the baseline is respect. When the men disrespect the women, how can they ask for anything in return? And if a woman shows no compassion or empathy for their brother, she can not expect protection. An eye for an eye leaves us all unsupported and unprotected. The golden rule should be the default. Generalizations are dangerous. Othering is fatal.

We need start by respecting ourselves and our energy and even if it's not used for the benefit of others. Do not use your energy to disrespect and put down others. Disrespecting your sister or brother is disrespecting yourself.

You can hold one accountable without being disrespectful. We have to learn to manage our emotions, triggers and actions. Be accountable for self.

Dont waste your energy on people who disrespect you. Do not tolerate it. Do not entertain it. They lose their access to you. Because the person who disrespects you, disrespects themselves. That is their karma. They are already in hell.

Gratitude is key and the best protection is self-love and truth; the knowledge and acceptance of all aspects of self. Live your truth. Live the life you love. Dont let anyone take away your power.


I need to get this book started.