This is one that just came out right? So they're finally giving us an actual gundam game. They could have gave us this and kept new breaker.
And tbH, I work very hard 24/7/365 to make black people look good to others even when I don't have to, and I would rather not be disrespected or feel I should take something that would be disrespetcting other black people. If others don't get it, I don't fukking care, I'm getting way too old and seeing black folks still disrespected, disenfranchised, passed over, and put at the bottom against everyone else, I just want to see things change for the better before I get old and grey for real.I've had to shut down so many disrespectful people here in Denver...sorry but being black ain't a costume you can put on and off at your accord and I've had to let people know that and check people in their face. And another thing, if you or your own community is not doing anything to confront and unlearn anti-black attitudes to become "allies" (whatever that term means)...I really do not want to fukking hear whatever you got to say about race issues cause I know it's going to be disingenuous bullshyt. alot of people claim to be down for us and our struggles, then they turn out to be opportunists that just want to use us as a leg up amongst their own culture all while looking down on us. Or their too imbued in their own privileged culturally that not being black affords them. Alot of people just ain't about black folks, except black I'm gonna continue to ride for us. Like I will not let anybody disrespect or talk down on us and my family worked way to damn hard to be disrespected by people who see us as lesser than them cause they was born without pigmentation and african features...nah, fukk that.