Anyone cooking for Thanksgiving? My daughter told me to make pie this year, so I'm going to try "mini pies". Blueberry, Apple and Sweet Potato. I'm gong to make the fillings tomorrow and jar them. I bought pre-made crust, but I'm going to try a homemade crust as well. *crosses fingers*. Yo mf'in vanilla extract was $29!!!
The fukk they get the vanilla from?
My brother scored a free turkey from work, now I gotta cook a free turkey
. My mother had all these ideas, now she's down to bringing one dish
I'm also baking cookies; chocolate chip, snickerdoodles and will attempt a ginger snap. I'm doing gift boxes for the holidays with those. So may people to consider; friends, family, my daughter's teachers, co-workers, my friend's staff at her business. Yes I'm THAT person. I'm mailing holiday cards with Marvin Gaye stamps this year
. Tis the season bytches!!