Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
:jbhmm: I say this not just for myself,

but for others who may be in it, and not actually know it:umad:

It's called "targeted individuals":whoa:

Plenty, plenty of disinformation online, plenty plenty plenty of certified official nutjobs:huhldup: but it is real

gaslighting, larp - live action role players, that actually advertise jobs online for this "surveillance" they use lot of mentally ill unemployed military, other criminals, they use leverage on the individuals family and friends.:ufdup:

Best advice i can give to fam and friends who've been contacted don't be p*ssy:ufdup: no gov. no man no auth. can put fear in me no piece of papyer:mjlol:

Make them mutha f*cka's do what they threaten you with:yeshrug:

I'm a different individual tho:yeshrug:

best way to explain it , gov. program unlimited resources :picard:

on some Nazi German phsy op sh*t

movies loosely based upon it, but research that sh*t it is indeed real

best way to explain, agency was created to or designed to provide justice to individuals who quote unquote escaped the clutches of the law:sadcam:

So yea drug lords, terrorist, pedo etc.. etc.. etc.. it's above the law, they have many crooked cops involved,

People who've blown whistle on white collar criminals have been put on list, individuals organizations :ohlawd: with deep pockets can get you on this list

its's 24 hour surveillance car phone home bugged your'e watched contently, the immediate people you work around are plants, in fact we have many on here :mjlol:

you'll notice bump in weird threads, weird sign up names, etc...etc.. designed to make one go crazy, generally more of a nuisance:mjlol:



All Star
Sep 30, 2015
There will be for the United States their 1st female president 2020

The Joker movie is all on pedophilia:scusthov: Stanley Kuberick shining level...

Most don't get it, that's the "joke" he eludes to at the end..

He molests batman as a child:lupe:

The flaccid magic stick he hands to the boy, then becomes erect when he takes it, the hands in the mouth:scusthov:

They correlate it to what was done to him

the black woman who has actually a little girl, but up till the end he thinks is a boy:damn:

He was breaking into her apartment............:whoa:

It's a sick sick flick:demonic:

wouldn't recommend, hollywierd baptizes the public into things like this....