5G frequencies are not easily deflected or absorbed by human flesh well.
Trials on mammals exposed to high spectrum frequencies in the range of 95 to 100 Ghz showcased lethargy, confusion and overall malaise..increasing beyond to 120 to 130 Ghz triggered hemorrhaging from the ears, ears, anal cavities, etc. Such bleeding emulates the late staging of Ebola and therefore it will be rather easy to convince the populace of their being an "outbreak" than them dying because of their cell phones. Great care is being made to sensationalize the transmission of lethal viral and bacterial diseases here in the US (immigration of Africans from high risk countries, i.e. San Antonio) but it cannot happen until 5G is fully deployed in most populated areas. Mountainousr areas are better protected from these frequencies.
The United States must once again rise up upon the altar as a sacrifice for the world as it's god demands, it's people and their blood will be the seeds that will beckon both spirit and all flesh to come out into open conflict from the depths of the Earth to the heavens.