Rainbows are the crowns of angels and fire is their cloth.
Their presence is felt by the movement of things tangible to man, the Earth breaking down in her order and the resurrection of plagues ancient. Not as a sign to the dead because the dead cannot see nor move out of their place even though they breathe for a moment but for the living, those men who eat and drink spiritually from a cup that few can hold.
I ransomed my sheep from the mouth of wolves, I gave up my goats as a sacrifice and let them die by the jaws of the savages. Yet they cried out cause I was black with terror and not bright as a savior...as you have heard, as you will surely receive. I will break all your bones and I will make your place of rest a foundation for all manner of evil spirits, I will bite you with the fangs of vipers and sting you with sting of scorpions until the controversy is settled with the people and the separation complete.