Was thinking about this earlier and every blue moon. Back when I was in Kindergarten, someone was having a little bday party and their mom came through with snacks and stuff. Our teacher had to leave for a bit for a meeting or something so me and my classmates were just sitting on the carpet looking at some movie

while the mom was setting stuff up. She turns around and tells us some shyt I guess about continuing to remain quiet and be good while she continues getting the food ready and turns back around to the table. Everyone else was like "Yeah, ok,etc

" Meanwhile I was like "Yes ma'am

" I was too focused on the movie and was pretty much like do your thing

. She turns back around quick and said "Who said yes ma'am

?" Folks pointed at me and I was like "


" I don't know why, but I was shook for a sec cause of how quick she turned around all shocked and shyt. I'm thinking *

I should've just said yeah like everyone else* Anyway, she turns back around to the table, turns back to us and tosses me a snack cake brownie

Caught that muthafukker like

"Thank you"

"You're welcome

Meanwhile everyone else aside from the kid having the party was like

I'm like still in shock but like

towards them.
Them looking at me to see if imma open it


Saved it till the food was done and we got our grub on
Moral of the story is to teach ya kids about respecting their elders early. My whole family don't play that "yeah, yes, no, nah,etc" shyt when it comes to grown folks. My mom lets me get away with it sometimes with her. Saying "what" too, but she checks me

though whenever

. Hate it when other people be like "You ain't gotta say yes ma'am/no ma'am/yes sir/ no sir to me

but thanks for being respectful" I be like "it's a habit so it might slip out

" Mom or grandma sometimes be present like "oh he knows better if he was out here being disrespectful

Didn't want those problems at all as a kid from any family member for not saying a simple word