i'm going to keep reiterating this because there's a bunch of people with DON'T get it.
there's a difference between CONFIDENCE and ARROGANCE.
CONFIDENCE will feed you and the block.
ARROGANCE will make you and those around you starve.
CONFIDENCE lifts you and those around you up.
ARROGANCE only makes you appear to be up by bringing other people down.
CONFIDENCE allows you to be HUMBLE (another important factor) enough to ask for HELP or to learn something NEW or to OPEN YOURSELF UP TO NEW THINGS TO GET YOURSELF OPPORTUNITIES.
ARROGANCE will keep you STUCK and can make you DROWN.
CONFIDENCE will allow you to admit when you made a mistake and allow you to grow by doing the right thing.
ARROGANCE will make you do the same mistake over and over and can ruin your life.
despite what some people say about being "self made", NOBODY makes it on their own. some sort of humility has to come into play in order for you to be able to survive in the world.
i cringe when i see how nowadays you have some people LYING to themselves and the world about how they are "bossing" it up and acting arrogant as all hell whether it's in public, on social media and etc KNOWING that they NEED someone else's approval, help or what have you in order for them to keep doing what they do. even worse if a bunch of arrogant people decide to clique up together and think that they are going to take the world by storm.
once someone starts thinking they are better than the hands that feed them where they start biting, disrespecting and etc, then you already know what the outcome is going to be.
i've seen it more than enough times to count throughout my life and by far, the arrogant person NEVER wins. i have yet to see anyone that has won from that shyt.
when i see how some people shoot themselves in the foot and tell themselves they are WINNING (hence arrogance), i just feel sorry for them.
no one is immune from being arrogant, it's a part of the human psyche, BUT best believe, that when someone gets too arrogant, they get HUMBLED. we all get HUMBLED. that's what makes us human.