The U.S. is going through the process of liquidation..this has been going on since 2008, this process is supposed to come to a head in the next couple of years.
There's ten regional governors, or the world board of governors..they are also affectionately called the "horns of Daniel and John". This country was supposed to be levelled years ago under Obama but the governor who rules over this region that includes the United States has not acquiesced to the demands of the others. Trump was never the choice at home, Clinton was, but he was the choice of the other regions..his directives come from Britain and Israel as to do what's necessary to handicap the country into third world status.
I already knew Trump was going to win before the can look up my posts in early 2016 about this. There's a tug of war going on right now that will result in conflict on multiple levels.
There were rumors of plans to bring Obama back believe it or not, I have not heard whether these plans will go forward but with the next President we WILL have a global war coming out of the fracas in 2020.