Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
I'm getting fukking angry. I'm going to chill though because I know I'm wrong. Jupiter is transitioning into Sagitarrius and it's a dangerous time for me as a Sagittarius. Jupiter is Sag means I'm going into my fully express my self. I want to discuss NEW ideas and what I'm thinking. I don't want to argue all the time, but people can't exchange ideas without turning it into a competition. Two truths can exist in opposition to each other. Nobody has to be wrong. My opinions and ideas aren't popular but they're far from nonsense and are based in scientific and historical fact.

Being a Sagittarius is hard because I see validity in many truths and my truth is a combination of many truths. I don't blurt shyt out, I think about and look into them for years before I speak on them. I really do not like when motherfukkers try to dismiss my positions as uneducated simply because they don't agree. I get it, it's the internet where people allow their inner child to take the key board.

Attempting to antagonize someone when they're discussing something they care about is mad petty. Too petty for me at 28. I'm all the way over that now.

New rule: no serious conversations with people who want to argue on the internet. I got rent, females, and my future to worry about. I got no energy for fukkery until december 2019.
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