Follow me to the truth
This guy
was going around raping and killing young black men
Crazy story. Dude would either try to solicit them by saying you can fukk my wife but she's shy and won't come out unless you tied up

was going around raping and killing young black men

Crazy story. Dude would either try to solicit them by saying you can fukk my wife but she's shy and won't come out unless you tied up

Dominique was investigated in late 2006 following a police report by a man who refused to let Dominique tie him up. The final victim, Chris Sutterfield, had died about two months earlier.
Following his arrest on December 1, 2006, Dominique confessed to the rape and murder of at least 23 men over a ten-year period beginning in 1997. He committed the crimes in Terrebonne, Lafourche, Iberville, St. Charlesand Jefferson parishes in suburban New Orleans.[1][2] In his confession, Dominique, who is gay, said he frequented area gay barsand targeted men he thought would be willing to have sex for money. He murdered them to avoid being convicted and sentenced to prison for rape. He was charged with multiple cases of rape and first-degree murder.[1][2]
On September 23, 2008, Dominique was sentenced to eight life sentences after confessing to raping and killing his male victims over a 10-year period.[3] Dominique pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in a deal to avoid the death penalty.[3] He is incarcerated at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola.[4]