Twice this week I've had conversations with women who were

over me saying I don't have kids. I talked to someone who asked me why I wasn't interested in overtime (Cause I scoffed at staying overtime), asking me if I had kids or a woman. Said no to both and that I had a plan to put
in motion to get my money longer and my career popping. Turns out, both are single mothers

I must be out my mind. The ones perking their ears up and talking the most about responsibility are the ones who already been there and done that. Where are the motivated, interested,
well-read women who got that way before kids, and not because they had to upgrade to take care of the ones they have. It makes for great conversation though, so I don't begrudge it at all, but two conversations in a row they seemed aghast that I am doing what it takes to build a nest egg
AND I am not out and about fukking random women. Had one chick like

Told her I keep my legs closed so I don't create a situation I can't take back

I do overtime because I want to, not because I have to