All Star
You know, 3am is a lot of things. Who can you trust at 3am? When someone gets that call at 3am can you count on them? Some say Hillary Clinton failed her 3am moment.
But let's bring it to the layman's level. Us normal folks. No nuclear stalemates. Diplomacy. No geopolitics.
3am......a lot of people commit suicide at 3am. Because that's when there's no one to take their calls. No one answers at 3am. I do though. Because I know what it's like at 3am. Staring at a bottle of pills and booze. It's a powerful feeling. You have your ticket right there. And you can punch it.
But is anyone going to tell you to stay? Not at 3am. Ha, no friends, not at 3am.
Where I'm at, it's only 12am. 0028 to be exact. And I'm having a 3am moment. People are up but I know they don't give a flying fukk lmao. People always tell you they love you.....blah blah blah wakka wakka wakka. But it's bullocks!
The only friend you're going to have to see you off is the bottle. Or bottles. There's comfort in a bottle. It's always there. Always willing to lend an ear. An eye. The bottle will send one gently into the night.
You b*stards....understand this; I am coherent. You say, "Just kill yourself Liggins or get off the pot." No, not tonight friends. While I don't agree with the whole "suicidal people will just kill themselves without an announcement," I think that's how I'll go out. I'll just randomly paint my wall with my brain matter. You see, no one will care per se but they shall be shocked. And uncomfortable. Suffer that minor inconvenience.
And my "enemies" on here, so pathetic to take up arms against a fukking screenname you rancid human feces, but you all exist so to you I say I want you to bring up this screed. Do you think anything can be done to me via words? As you can see I have real world problems. The type of problems I would never wish upon my worst enemy. Just their children. So the suffering can be acute and pleasurable.
I am everything that you say I am. And more that you don't have the words for.
Guess what? Didn't read LOL!!!!!
Sucide hotline is 24/7 tho
Talk to someone breh. Black men need to commit to introspection more