1. You can’t be hard on yourself because you’re not where you want to be at the moment.
2. Realize how important it is to wake up to an optimistic and positive mindstate.
3.Be sure to call your loved ones and close friends a few times a month.
4. Hustle even if you have a full-time job. Don’t let having a 9-5 be an excuse to why you won’t pursue your dreams.
5. Stop letting your pride get in the way of things.
6. Remain humble at all times. Even when your back is against the wall
7.Everyone one has a story to tell, take the time to listen, you never know what you’ll learn.
8. If you’re looking to get a credit card please plan accordingly. Make sure you’re in a position where you can pay them off every month
9.You gotta apply yourself to supply your wealth. - GLC Quote
10. Never SETTLE. Go get what you deserve.
11.Take care of your mind, body, and soul, they’ll thank you later.
12. Don’t let anyone determine your self-worth.
13. Don’t be anything other than yourself.
14, Always remember to love yourself unconditionally.
15. Stop being hard on yourself
16. You can’t be afraid to take risks, live your life to the fullest
17. Never take advantage of people.
18. Travel as much as you can.
19. Sometimes it’s good to get lost. If that door never opened that only meant it wasn’t for you
20. Sallie Mae is the ultimate troll. Make sure you’re ahead of the curve. If you’re financially tight, don’t ignore the calls, answer them and see what plans you can work out
21. Take the good with the bad
22. Own It( Be proud of who you are and what you have)
23. Use your voice for the greater good.
24. There’s nothing wrong with being a loner sometimes. We all need time to ourselves to collect
25. Stop Complaining.
26. Everything takes time
27. Let go of the past. Let go of the mistakes you’ve made. Stop replaying them in your head. Look towards the future and leave all the negative shyt behind(The most important lesson I’ve learned this year)
- A Collected Perspective #18: 27 Lessons I’ve...