Yea thats how I felt when I had to move everything from my old 1TB ps4 externals to the new 3TB a few months ago
Luckily with this new PC, I've kept everything on all my externals the past few months so transferring was as simple as plug and play...literally
Bruh, last Friday when I first plugged the older one in, it started making clicking noises and Windows wouldn't recognize it. This is the one that has 3TB worth of movies that took quite a bit of effort to build up.

didn't even come close to how I was feeling. I waited 5 minutes, plugged it back in and it worked like nothing happened, I took it back out and plugged it back in, and it honestly hasn't given me problems even now...but I couldn't mess around with this. I made some expendable sacrifices and ordered the new one Monday night.

Came Wednesday and I've been copying since.
The old drive still works but I'm not putting anything sensitive on it because I know it's on borrowed time