Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Karrueche Tran is the GOAT!:ohlawd:











May 1, 2012
smurf village
my birthstone is pearl and its the toughest thing in the world finding ill pearl jewels for men. either too feminine, too cheap looking, too surfer pretentious douchey

Gully Bull

Love Sponge
Oct 9, 2014
A fleeting childhood
Under normal circumstances they would enjoy the attention of a gentleman like myself but I am in a monogamous relationship at the moment so I unfortunately cannot partake :smile:
I got the keys to a speed boat with freshly pressed suits in the Cabin
And a polyester'ed out coupe in the handicap parking at the doc if you don't feel like take an uber


Sep 13, 2013
Got that Chamillionaire email.:jawalrus:
Greatest Verses 3 Email Responses


Tue 4/10/2018 6:22 PM

To: dap-man

To help protect your privacy, some content in this message has been blocked. To re-enable the blocked features, click here.

To always show content from this sender, click here.

I haven't sent out emails like this in a long time but I have decided to respond to some considering the number of people that responded to my previous email. It's been a while since I did this, but here goes.......

Fan Email: Man I’ll send a rack right now for a new album.

Cham Response: Nah, I'm good bruh. Use it to buy a one of your parents something nice and I'm sure they both would greatly appreciate it.

Fan Email: Woke up this morning and seen the email, had to grab it on iTunes ASAP! Even though I got all these songs already, you got my support for life Koopa!!! Drop some new music! You got us in a drought mayne!

Cham Response: I appreciate the support. "They tell me put it out and get back to my old ways, I heard there was a drought so I'm starting a new wave"

Fan Email: Chamillionaire if this is really you can I advise to drop another mixtape at least!? You can't let Nas and Jay - Z pass you by like you some artifact! I know you must of dealt with some hard situations that most likely made you put down the mic but you can't let that stop you from doing what you do best. Sometimes it ain't about the check, it's about putting the people in check. I say this with the utmost respect. Keep your head up man. I've been waiting a long time for you to drop at least a new single or something but I all I got to open up was some old classics : \ . I know you won't fail next time so I'll let you slide for once. Hope to see you some big things soon. Much love!

Sincerely, Christophil

P.S. Not to do this purposely or **** ridingly, but if you ever needed a new undiscovered artist that you can work with feel free to pick me. Lol my rapper name is Christophil. Most of it is ok. I wanted redo a lot of them on an actual mic. Like most artist I kind of gave up due to lost work and devices, but now that all these trappers are making music like it's nothing I figured hey why not remind them who's really making music?

Cham Response. 1st: I want to say: Jay Z is one of my favorite artists. 2nd: Thanks for "letting me slide for once." Ha. Nope, no hard situation forced me to put down the mic. I have stated that I'm not done with music on a number of occasions but people really hear what they want to hear. I just don't release on any one's schedule but mine now, and it's definitely not about a check.

This isn't really directed at you, but I have always found it very interesting how music fans let me know how I'm doing a disservice to them for not releasing music when they ask, like that shows that I'm not appreciative or deserving of their previous and future support. It's intriguing how people can be so quick to throw away all the sacrifices an artist has made for them when they need something else from that artist.

Honestly I don't care about putting anyone else in check. I was doing everything everybody else wanted for decades, instead of completely focusing on what I want. I just dont have a problem focusing on what I really want now. Every day that passes I realize that people only really want what they want. Im very clear about that now.

Fan Email: Dear Chamillionaire,

I know of your last years of business and achievements outside of the music world. I watched your presentation you uploaded on Youtube, and although I am not really interested in the product (Convoz), it was a great presentation. It is good to see that you are doing well and I hope your family too.

Many people miss your music, but I also miss the people I connected to because of it. went down quite abruptly. And from time to time I think of some of the people I have spent hours of discussing and chatting on there, who I have never met in real life and don't have any contact information of. Now it's already 3 years ago since I talked to any of them and a couple of them could have become good friends (especially Levent and James M.). I know how they look like, about their hobbies and we had a lot of fun. That was thanks to you, but it also ended because of you.

I regret not asking them about e-mail adresses or any contact details, like I regret not going to your Beijing show while I was in China. I don't regret giving away one of my 3 Chamllitary beanies to a Chinese girl, though - it might be the only piece of your merch in China (although there is a Chinese car brand which has almost your lizard as its logo).
So, do you think there is a chance to reconnect somehow? Any third time, for any purpose, or is it too tiring if people will just ask you about your music? Sorry, I am no iPhone user and not in the US and as much as I like the Convoz idea, I am more a man of written words and pictures than of videos.

Still saluting - Jonathan

Cham Response:

I honestly don't want to be typing out these long responses to fans and I believe there are much easier ways for us to have a conversation. I've communicated this way for over a decade because I really understand and appreciate the value of communicating supporters, but it's way too much work and I believe there is a much better way to do this.

How many artists do you see sending long emails like this to fans? Why do you think they don't? I've done if for over a decade and to be honest all the data leads me to believe it's time for everyone to start embracing the future.

The connection that artists have with their fans should be, and WILL BE, a lot deeper than making a post on social media asking them to buy music. You are in search of connections with people you have common interests with. I think I understand why.....

You said: "Now it's already 3 years ago since I talked to any of them and a couple of them could have become good friends..... I know how they look like, about their hobbies and we had a lot of fun. That was thanks to you, but it also ended because of you".

So you didn't join the group they all created to stay in touch with each other on Facebook? So you couldn't reach out to them on Twitter? Why? You were connected to them that entire time and never took the time to find out how you could build a deeper connection with them? Was it too difficult? Is there a way I could have made that easier for you? Is this really even my fault?

How do I still stay in contact with so many of the real fans from the forum board without having a website up? The answer could be right underneath your nose man....

I'm thinking that you will embrace the future eventually.

You know how many times people tell me I need to go back to wearing gold teeth? You know how many times people ask me to re-create something that I created when I was 18 years old? I see a lot of fans asking this to all of their favorite artists, and most will never understand why they will never get what they are looking for.

The way I see it, I have always been focused on the future. Every step of the way I was focused on the future and nothing about that has changed in my eyes.

I went from talking on a forum board with fans, to talking on the phone with fans. Remember the Saynow phone line I used to have (that got acquired by Google)? What's next? Pulling out my laptop and talking on a forum board? Do you think that is the future?

When there were no melodies and hooks on most of the freestyles I decided to start singing on the records. I didn't even know how to sing, I pretty much just taught myself how to because I felt like something was missing. I felt like I was doing something to improve something other people had grown comfortable with, and felt the future would be a lot more melodic. So I'm not one those artists that is upset about rappers singing, I'm one of the artists that realized that melodies would be in the future.

Remember when I started a website and did the crazy thing of promoting other artists on it? Remember those days when people thought I was crazy for listing other artists on my website? Do you remember when Mike Jones' bio was on my website? Do you remember when other artists thought I was crazy for even having a forum board?

The tapes, the cds, the ringtones, the businesses, the tech companies, the investing, (the coding?) its always been about what was coming next.

Fun fact: A former employee at MySpace told me that I was the first artist they ever saw take a picture with the crowd posing behind them on stage. She said when I did it people in the company were so shocked that an artist would do something like that, and they were impressed at the traffic spike my page received once I posted it online. I'm not confirming this information as fact, but I remember doing it because I wanted to shine a light on my biggest supporters, the people who deserved it.

You might not care about communicating the way I do but I personally would rather speak with people in person or at least face to face. You have been a longtime supporter of me right? You have supported my music and purchased my merch for years right?

You shouldn't be a ghost to me then. I have no idea who you are. I should know who you are. I should have had a real conversation with yo at some point.

I have no idea what you look like (I know you prefer pictures but no need to send me one). The interactions we have with people are what helps us to remember who they are.

Everybody remembers the story about the time I met MJ, but can you tell me who the fan was that asked that infamous question? Of course you can't, nobody can. That's just something to think about....

PS. One day in the future when we do have a conversation, remind me to tell you about how I know you weren't the only person with my merch in China. It's a very large world that we live in but there is a graveyard of fake Chamillitary chains I have to tell you story about.

We will be on Android before then.
If you have made it all the way down this far in the email then you are in the minority because nowadays most people don't have the attention span to read this much text in an email. I know I wouldn't be reading this if I was you.




just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Got that Chamillionaire email.:jawalrus:
Greatest Verses 3 Email Responses


Tue 4/10/2018 6:22 PM

To: dap-man

To help protect your privacy, some content in this message has been blocked. To re-enable the blocked features, click here.

To always show content from this sender, click here.

I haven't sent out emails like this in a long time but I have decided to respond to some considering the number of people that responded to my previous email. It's been a while since I did this, but here goes.......

Fan Email: Man I’ll send a rack right now for a new album.

Cham Response: Nah, I'm good bruh. Use it to buy a one of your parents something nice and I'm sure they both would greatly appreciate it.

Fan Email: Woke up this morning and seen the email, had to grab it on iTunes ASAP! Even though I got all these songs already, you got my support for life Koopa!!! Drop some new music! You got us in a drought mayne!

Cham Response: I appreciate the support. "They tell me put it out and get back to my old ways, I heard there was a drought so I'm starting a new wave"

Fan Email: Chamillionaire if this is really you can I advise to drop another mixtape at least!? You can't let Nas and Jay - Z pass you by like you some artifact! I know you must of dealt with some hard situations that most likely made you put down the mic but you can't let that stop you from doing what you do best. Sometimes it ain't about the check, it's about putting the people in check. I say this with the utmost respect. Keep your head up man. I've been waiting a long time for you to drop at least a new single or something but I all I got to open up was some old classics : \ . I know you won't fail next time so I'll let you slide for once. Hope to see you some big things soon. Much love!

Sincerely, Christophil

P.S. Not to do this purposely or **** ridingly, but if you ever needed a new undiscovered artist that you can work with feel free to pick me. Lol my rapper name is Christophil. Most of it is ok. I wanted redo a lot of them on an actual mic. Like most artist I kind of gave up due to lost work and devices, but now that all these trappers are making music like it's nothing I figured hey why not remind them who's really making music?

Cham Response. 1st: I want to say: Jay Z is one of my favorite artists. 2nd: Thanks for "letting me slide for once." Ha. Nope, no hard situation forced me to put down the mic. I have stated that I'm not done with music on a number of occasions but people really hear what they want to hear. I just don't release on any one's schedule but mine now, and it's definitely not about a check.

This isn't really directed at you, but I have always found it very interesting how music fans let me know how I'm doing a disservice to them for not releasing music when they ask, like that shows that I'm not appreciative or deserving of their previous and future support. It's intriguing how people can be so quick to throw away all the sacrifices an artist has made for them when they need something else from that artist.

Honestly I don't care about putting anyone else in check. I was doing everything everybody else wanted for decades, instead of completely focusing on what I want. I just dont have a problem focusing on what I really want now. Every day that passes I realize that people only really want what they want. Im very clear about that now.

Fan Email: Dear Chamillionaire,

I know of your last years of business and achievements outside of the music world. I watched your presentation you uploaded on Youtube, and although I am not really interested in the product (Convoz), it was a great presentation. It is good to see that you are doing well and I hope your family too.

Many people miss your music, but I also miss the people I connected to because of it. went down quite abruptly. And from time to time I think of some of the people I have spent hours of discussing and chatting on there, who I have never met in real life and don't have any contact information of. Now it's already 3 years ago since I talked to any of them and a couple of them could have become good friends (especially Levent and James M.). I know how they look like, about their hobbies and we had a lot of fun. That was thanks to you, but it also ended because of you.

I regret not asking them about e-mail adresses or any contact details, like I regret not going to your Beijing show while I was in China. I don't regret giving away one of my 3 Chamllitary beanies to a Chinese girl, though - it might be the only piece of your merch in China (although there is a Chinese car brand which has almost your lizard as its logo).
So, do you think there is a chance to reconnect somehow? Any third time, for any purpose, or is it too tiring if people will just ask you about your music? Sorry, I am no iPhone user and not in the US and as much as I like the Convoz idea, I am more a man of written words and pictures than of videos.

Still saluting - Jonathan

Cham Response:

I honestly don't want to be typing out these long responses to fans and I believe there are much easier ways for us to have a conversation. I've communicated this way for over a decade because I really understand and appreciate the value of communicating supporters, but it's way too much work and I believe there is a much better way to do this.

How many artists do you see sending long emails like this to fans? Why do you think they don't? I've done if for over a decade and to be honest all the data leads me to believe it's time for everyone to start embracing the future.

The connection that artists have with their fans should be, and WILL BE, a lot deeper than making a post on social media asking them to buy music. You are in search of connections with people you have common interests with. I think I understand why.....

You said: "Now it's already 3 years ago since I talked to any of them and a couple of them could have become good friends..... I know how they look like, about their hobbies and we had a lot of fun. That was thanks to you, but it also ended because of you".

So you didn't join the group they all created to stay in touch with each other on Facebook? So you couldn't reach out to them on Twitter? Why? You were connected to them that entire time and never took the time to find out how you could build a deeper connection with them? Was it too difficult? Is there a way I could have made that easier for you? Is this really even my fault?

How do I still stay in contact with so many of the real fans from the forum board without having a website up? The answer could be right underneath your nose man....

I'm thinking that you will embrace the future eventually.

You know how many times people tell me I need to go back to wearing gold teeth? You know how many times people ask me to re-create something that I created when I was 18 years old? I see a lot of fans asking this to all of their favorite artists, and most will never understand why they will never get what they are looking for.

The way I see it, I have always been focused on the future. Every step of the way I was focused on the future and nothing about that has changed in my eyes.

I went from talking on a forum board with fans, to talking on the phone with fans. Remember the Saynow phone line I used to have (that got acquired by Google)? What's next? Pulling out my laptop and talking on a forum board? Do you think that is the future?

When there were no melodies and hooks on most of the freestyles I decided to start singing on the records. I didn't even know how to sing, I pretty much just taught myself how to because I felt like something was missing. I felt like I was doing something to improve something other people had grown comfortable with, and felt the future would be a lot more melodic. So I'm not one those artists that is upset about rappers singing, I'm one of the artists that realized that melodies would be in the future.

Remember when I started a website and did the crazy thing of promoting other artists on it? Remember those days when people thought I was crazy for listing other artists on my website? Do you remember when Mike Jones' bio was on my website? Do you remember when other artists thought I was crazy for even having a forum board?

The tapes, the cds, the ringtones, the businesses, the tech companies, the investing, (the coding?) its always been about what was coming next.

Fun fact: A former employee at MySpace told me that I was the first artist they ever saw take a picture with the crowd posing behind them on stage. She said when I did it people in the company were so shocked that an artist would do something like that, and they were impressed at the traffic spike my page received once I posted it online. I'm not confirming this information as fact, but I remember doing it because I wanted to shine a light on my biggest supporters, the people who deserved it.

You might not care about communicating the way I do but I personally would rather speak with people in person or at least face to face. You have been a longtime supporter of me right? You have supported my music and purchased my merch for years right?

You shouldn't be a ghost to me then. I have no idea who you are. I should know who you are. I should have had a real conversation with yo at some point.

I have no idea what you look like (I know you prefer pictures but no need to send me one). The interactions we have with people are what helps us to remember who they are.

Everybody remembers the story about the time I met MJ, but can you tell me who the fan was that asked that infamous question? Of course you can't, nobody can. That's just something to think about....

PS. One day in the future when we do have a conversation, remind me to tell you about how I know you weren't the only person with my merch in China. It's a very large world that we live in but there is a graveyard of fake Chamillitary chains I have to tell you story about.

We will be on Android before then.
If you have made it all the way down this far in the email then you are in the minority because nowadays most people don't have the attention span to read this much text in an email. I know I wouldn't be reading this if I was you.



Chamillitary Mayne