Entrepreneurship is all fun and games until you see a poorly run business. I love my friend, but she has the shyttiest business practices ever. She supposed to pay the guy who works the after school program on the last Friday of the month (she suggested the day), and he in turn pays me for some work I do for him. Last Friday, I asked if she was going to pay him and she legit got an attitude like "Well I don't have it and he's not getting it"

Another girl went to cash her check and it bounced, she called my friend and my friend had a attitude with her like "I thought you said you were going to cash it on Monday, that's why I didn't rush to put the money in the bank". Money should be in the bank on payday.
Another parent is waiting for the amount she paid in daycare last year so she can file her taxes. She told her "Well don't you know how much you paid?, you have my info so just use that". That should have been finalized and sent the end of January. Then she runs to the store every other 10 minutes for supplies. BAGS AND BAGS of receipts. It's disheartening and I need to slowly back away from it.