I dont know if its because im on my 2nd month of working everyday somedays pulling 4 hour shifts or because over the weekend i worked 2 12s and slept 4 hours each night. Or bc im not smoking anything and drinking maybe once a week. Or not masturbating or bc i got a new phone and cut everybody out of my life bc I felt they were toxic and am alone unless im at work, but man i feel like im starting to stiffen a bit emotionally at times. Today I've got a bit of sadness following me just thinking and feeling angry at my ex and my mom. My coworkers who are like my homeboys definitely make me feel happy. Im starting to grow more appreciation for them. Ive been bumping this heavy.
Looking for my first union gig and anticipating my enlisting date for the air force and buying a new car in march. But shyt
Btw last night i swam 35 laps. Thats a new record for me