InterestingI have no idea what you’re talking about, I’ve been soul searching for months. That L was harsh.

InterestingI have no idea what you’re talking about, I’ve been soul searching for months. That L was harsh.
You are putting to much of your inner enegy into her.Welp, the girl I want, the one who inspired me to try new shyt and be open to people...shes gone. She moved on to other things and as such, has functionally moved
altogether. I was sad about it Friday. In fact, the days leading up to it.
Now i'm pissed about it. This is why I do like opening up to folks. The most amazing of the batch always leave. I'm about to put two weeks into my job and do some
dumb shyt. No sense wasting this energy.
Due to unforeseen circumstances throughout 2018 so far, we no longer fetish big booties.
Its all about lips and titty combos just gotta grow up and stuff
I'm surprised the ball doesn't go through the roof the very few times I partake. I wonder if you can say the same?So are you saying you aren’t an excellent bowler?