Many Indigo children possess talent in writing, music or the arts and enjoy creating and making things. Indigo are tapped into a frequency of sorts and many Indigo children publicly or privately manifest advanced creative talent.
Whether outwardly or quietly, Indigo are typically loners who struggle with feeling different or unable to fit into their surroundings. They are usually very well liked by most, so many navigate through life pretending to be adjusted. Privately however, Indigo children struggle with feeling like they don’t belong.
Indigo children typically loathe authority. Indigo are meant to break the mold of old meaningless institutions. Appointed authority figures often represent those institutions. Indigo children typically detest homework and refuse to do many things they feel they are above. Indigo always question rules and are rebels who either rebel very quietly and stubbornly, or very vocally and defiantly.
According to many sites, Indigo children are described to be typically beautiful or even androgynous. Many are said to have powerful passionate eyes. Because of their powerful eyes and stares, many are known to avoid eye contact.
Indigo children typically loathe authority. Indigo are meant to break the mold of old meaningless institutions. Appointed authority figures often represent those institutions. Indigo children typically detest homework and refuse to do many things they feel they are above. Indigo always question rules and are rebels who either rebel very quietly and stubbornly, or very vocally and defiantly.
- Intuition or Psychic Ability
Indigo children typically have strong intuition, or telepathic or psychic ability. They have old souls and possess a quiet wisdom beyond their years. Indigo can learn to develop these abilities. Unfortunately however, many lose or greatly diminish these abilities in adulthood after years of suppression, depression, drugs, or trying to fit in to social norms.
Many Indigo children have trouble doing things like waiting in lines or dealing with perceived stupidity. At times you may see signs of frustration, annoyance or impatience with those who are slower to keep up to their level of intellect. Indigo are typically very loving and compassionate, but have a sometimes conspicuous disdain for stupidity,
naivete, or ignorance.
Indigo have a wisdom and insight that isn’t always popular or accepted. Many times people can be a step behind what Indigo children already understand. They see through a lot of the lies, institutionalization and common deceptions that plague society. In an age of rampant miseducation in schools, brainwashing, deceptions in the media, misinterpreted religion, mindless materialism, petty racism and a dumbing down of society toward a lower vibration, the Indigo have trouble standing idly by. Regardless, they have to go along with the social order of things but at times grow impatient and angry at moments and in varying scenarios.
Despite their pride, you can usually detect warmth, friendliness and love emanating from Indigo children. They are special and there is an inviting glow and a light that comes from them. Despite what may be perceived as eccentricities or uncommon behavioral traits, Indigo are usually well-liked and their warmth is attractive to others.
Indigo children are very emotional and sensitive in nature. They feel emotions to a much higher degree. Consequently, many of them become loners.
Because emotions are so high, many Indigo choose to be by themselves and stay out of relationships. They experience highs and lows and typically take things in harder than most, which leads to the next condition.
Depression is, unfortunately, a common thing with Indigo children. This is a largely because Indigo children have trouble fitting in and adjusting to a spiritually dead, misguided society. Indigo are born with a higher spiritual awareness and have trouble going through the motions of a mundane, ordinary, and misdirected existence. Indigo possess immense personal power that stirs inside of them that they often cannot tap into or manifest because of the way things are. Indigo have a calling and a job to do which entails moving the vibration of humanity onto the right path. If they are not on that path or if they are ineffective, they will struggle with sometimes severe depression.
Unfortunately, as a result of the Indigo plot in life many Indigo are battling with substance abuse.
- Sense of Purpose or Entitlement
Indigo prefer leadership positions or working alone. Unfortunately many are prone to anger. Most Indigo are very loving and compassionate people. However they possess a sense of mission and purpose.
- Prone to Attention Deficit Disorder
Indigo children usually have high energy and are commonly diagnosed with ADD and other learning disabilities because they operate on a different level. Many are mistaken to be absent-minded, forgetful and unfocused when the exact opposite is true. They have more of a connection to other dimensions and sensations and can multi-task to a much higher degree. They are thinking about a vast multitude of things most people aren’t. They almost need to divert their attention to several different things at once for stimulation.
- Aversion to Structure and Systems
Indigo are not meant to simply follow along in line. That isn’t their purpose. They will always question “why”.
Indigo adults can go in one of two directions. Some learn to hone their exceptional gifts into lucrative careers that give them money, social acceptance and parental approval. They eventually do what they feel is expected of them. These Indigo children begin lives they feel they ought to live for the recognition of their family and friends, but remain privately tortured by their innate calling or purpose. Other Indigo adults never assimilate well into society and dabble with drug abuse, become world travelers or drifters, and never start a stable career or family.