It's annoying when I switch my style up and people tell me the clothes look good on me. I make the clothes look good. I've let people rock my shyt and they can't pull it off. I could come out of a thrift store looking fresh. I could get my clothes from a lost and found bin and be fresh. I'm on my Polo and Beast Mode shyt right now.
Its hard to be black and have some pride sometimes. No matter how much I spend on something some people still look at me with fear in their eyes. I look like a lot of things, hahaha, most responses to me are warranted, even the mean ones, but I do not look like a jack boy. Anyone who thinks Im going to rob them is racist. Asians and white people are the hatefully racist people I've ever met.
Black people need to wake the fukk up. There's only two options in this bytch. Embrace and exploit the hate or dis-associate ourselves from the hate.
Most black people I know are not negative angry people. They are hard working and hopeful. They do not deserve the looks they get. Why can't we walk around with our heads high? Why can't we enjoy the fruits of our labor without being looked at with suspicion? Not every successful BW has a sugar daddyand they all aren't thots. Not every successful black man is doing something illegal or plays sports. Most of are not doing anything illegal, are not prostiutes, and are not athletes. We are hard working focused people, like everyone else, so why are people made uncomfortable by the idea of us being successful through honest work?
The coldest part of racism IMO is that a black person wearing a hoody with a pocket full of skittles gets treated as a black person wearing a hoody with a gun in their pocket.
It's all the way fukked up. A nice fukking kid gets treated just like a bad kid because of they share skin color. It's fukked up man. It creates hopelessness. Why follow all the rules to not get treated like a criminal when you still get treated like a criminal? Especially if you don't get the benefits of crime.
To me black people should never censor themselves in any setting for any reason. People assume nasty things about us no matter what we look like and how accomplished we are. We might as well embrace the hate and love ourselves, and each other to the motherfukking fullest.
Black validates black, ya dig, we don't need any othe co-sign other than the stamp of approval from our community.
Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang,
- Y Mali Van Kleef