Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s



Jun 11, 2012
I know I edited and deleted this shyt yesterday. This is some shyt that is gonna explain where my head is at and how I feel at the moment.

I went to see my therapist yesterday and I was on time for my appointment. I said a couple of pages back how I was excited to see my therapist so i can tell her about my issues. I saw the client she had before walk out of her office and out the door. So I'm in the waiting room looking at the sign hoping that my therapist would be on the other side of the door saying hi like how she normally does. I personally even though I know she's going to deny this feel like she's not really a fan of me and can't stand my ass. I told her that I feel a lot of people can't stand me and etc, she knows this already.

So I'm there, waiting and waiting sitting in the chair just thinking about being alone and all the times when the very same people that i know in real life when I needed them weren't there, left me to rock with by my lonesome, only hollering at me when they need or want something from me, using me and all this shyt that makes me have doubts about them where I just shut down away from people. I just got upset and etc, sitting there looking at my phone and etc waiting, looking at random Web pages and animal videos on YouTube

Guess what.. I waited for about an hour and then she pops out the office and sees me sitting there. She basically says that she thought I was running late or forgot to see her. :usure::comeon: saying why didn't I text? Hell, she came out her office to see the next appointment. :heh:

Then she asks if I'm okay and I tell her I am which is a lie and etc. She schedules another appointment for Wednesday.

Now see.. I was annoyed though I didn't say it because this is the type of shyt that I'm talking about. I have too many people constantly bullshytting with me. I'm opening up to them and this is what I get. How the fukk you remember the appointment after me and forget about me? See, why is it that it seems like when I need the people who claim to care about me, THEY AREN'T THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEED THEM? So that just only confirmed how what I felt and think.

I think that the more I think about it. I feel that she really doesn't want to see me or help me so I think I'll just cancel on her and do that shyt myself.

My mom had the nerve to tell me to give, give, give to people and all this shyt that I already do when I told her that shyt. Like I'm not doing that already. So I have to basically put people over myself and that has only led to people taking from me and leaving me with NOTHING. She had the nerve to wonder why I was mad when she said that. See, all these people just noticing and not even listening. That's why I don't even bother. I'm sick of talking so fukk you if you don't get it.

I say these people because I feel alone and disconnected away from them like they couldn't be bothered with me or could care less about me always telling me shyt knowing that I'm not doing too well.
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Concerned Aunt
Jun 1, 2012
The Front Porch