My best friend is nervous of being a father for the first time in his life. Bro literally shaking and don't even know what to do. I had to reassure him that everything will be fine and just be there for your black queen. He had a terrible childhood growing up. Told him to never be like his worth less father who walked out his life and always be there for your kid. You are a good breh.
We even became best friends since elementary school. Sometimes he would come over my house and we would play or my pops would take us out to do boys stuff growing up. Pops has love for my best friend and even look at him like a son. We even supported him with everything in his life so he his grearful to my pops.
He's going to talk to my pops later about being a father for the first time and asking him to be a godfather to his son when he's out.
I know I'll make a great uncle some day.