igotcha. tried to sprint out the gate with being too abstract. just made my profile look like pee wees playhouse.I just looked at your blog.
I suggest another theme. The background also distracts (in contrast) with your posts.
You also reblog a lot of mega long photosets. A lot of times that can make your presentation on your blog look poor.
I didn't have you in my notifications like everyone else here for some reason, but you're in there now. Whenever you make a post, I will see it and if it fits any of my blogs contents I will try to get it circulating. Keep doing what you love and going at it. Everything doesn't warrant fast results. Luckily you have me who can try to use my platforms for you. I had to work a lot of my blogs from scratch and a lot of people didn't want to reblog from me (instead steal my content and ideas).igotcha. tried to sprint out the gate with being too abstract. just made my profile look like pee wees playhouse.
They be ready for actionLow key, 4th of July is kind of fukked up for combat veterans.