Honestly besides Megan/Toni & MJF/MVP
The show left a lot to be desired
Started with a random thrown together tag match
Ended with a main event nobody cared about
With randomness in between
How was that a good show
I feel you on that. They could've done a better match involving the opps or had a post match segment they led to something in the future. They need to build up more trios stuff and random matches like that don't help.
Not sure if the Speedball and Mortos match being changed with OC and Hechicero would've helped much. Assuming on Collision that Ricochet would be in the main over Briscoe vs Davis but who knows with how TK be doing things. Of course the tourney was gonna be featured this week.
Toni/Megan and MJF/MVP also agree those were good on setting up for future stuff. Good thing is it's just the first event after the ppv so a bit of a reset so gotta see how next week goes as they head to Dynasty. Might have been like a cool down show but next week hopefully gets more good parts across the show.