Someone’s severely missing the point per usual 

Actually, Netflix did release second week numbers and globally Raw dropped 2.2 million viewersWWE didn't show numbers. Netflix announced numbers that are to be taken with a grain of salt because nobody has the actual internal data, we've discussed this at length.
Also, they only released the first week and nothing since. Everything else is guessing. Also, was 2.6 million (basically the same they were doing on USA a couple years ago) really a W for the worldwide leader in wrestling.... I guess lol...It's wild how defensive some posters get... haha
The fact is the 650k+ on TBS and whatever they get on Max is more than enough. It's only the super stans who want to wage these ratings talks at this point..
Actually, Netflix did release second week numbers and globally Raw dropped 2.2 million viewers
What they need to do is put her with Deeb.I don't even know who they have gotten that's new since her. It feels like it's only a few women getting shine recently. Hopefully they can find something for Deonna soon. But i think now it's mostly been Mariah, Mercedes, Toni, Harley, Jamie, and Julia with occasionally Willow and Stat. Losing rampage def hurt them. Hopefully they can figure things out eventually.
What they need to do is put her with Deeb.
Also what they need to do is cut the timing on matches and save their marathon matches for specials and PPV's. With that you'll have more time for some people.
Well Airgold got exposed earlier this week so Ibou/BackupHangman said hold my beer and got exposed too by making statements that could potentially get himself sued for defamation.
Leaked wrestlers private information while making defamatory statements on some on Discord because it was behind a paywalled Discord, and he was naive enough to think it wouldn’t leave the Discord
Lied about Britt Baker, said she reached out and she apologized for any trolls that came his way, she called him out for lying about that too because she said she never apologized, he started hiding replies trying to cover up stuff, and then he got community noted over it.
AEW making people lose their damn minds just for existing lolshyt looks like its been crazy lately with all thats been going on. didnt see about airgold but knew he had been acting funny lately. i heard something about ibou and know there was rumors about britt circulating and had seen a few wrestlers make comments about not believing shyt but didn't see the original stuff that caused anything.
Well Airgold got exposed earlier this week so Ibou/BackupHangman said hold my beer and got exposed too by making statements that could potentially get himself sued for defamation.
Leaked wrestlers private information while making defamatory statements on some on Discord because it was behind a paywalled Discord, and he was naive enough to think it wouldn’t leave the Discord
Lied about Britt Baker, said she reached out and she apologized for any trolls that came his way, she called him out for lying about that too because she said she never apologized, he started hiding replies trying to cover up stuff, and then he got community noted over it.