The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama, by Tom Junod - Esquire A bit long, but overall a good read.
That this has taken years to start getting press in this country.
The press is a fukking joke
This; NDAA, and Flouride in the water. I wonder what's next?
Our country
just to make it clear how water fluoridation works to those who have yet to take Chemistry at the high school or collegiate levels basically sodium fluorosilicate(Na2SiF6 aka big bad fluoride) is suspended in the water in very small quantities(1mg/L) the material that makes up your enamel hydroxylapatite( Hydroxylapatite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) has a hydroxyl functional group(OH-) which is very weak and is easily displaced by the things you eat(various acid food etc) which causes tooth decay(like rust in your mouth) however the loose fluoride ions from the sodium fluorosilicate replace the hydroxyl group in the hydroxylapatite forming a relatively insoluble compound. think of it as galvanizing your teeth(rust proofing) the fluoride ions also still present in your saliva prevent plaque buildup as well as a host of other oral bacteria that typically plague the rest of the world. the fluoride content in water is roughly 1mg/L, for the fluoride ions to be toxic and effect the calcium ions in your brain, you would need the minimum of 5g of fluoride ions(aka it would take 5000 liters of normal tap water, which more or less means you would die from water poisoning first) I doubt those against fluoride will read this, and will continue to clamor for lizard men and evil jewish illuminati -StrongMeat-
This one is kind of tricky. It's..."cleaner" than the alternative, there's no doubt about that. But just because you trust Obama with this power doesn't mean that the next guy in charge'll be the same. Keep in mind that because of the policies of this current administration, the President, no matter who holds the office, has this particular authority and power.People say they want a president that is strong on terrorism and Obama has done that. Yes there have been mistakes and unwarranted casualties but war is ugly and no matter what the policy is engaging in violent actions leaves collateral damage.
I personally like this approach as opposed to invading and occupying entire countries.
This one is kind of tricky. It's..."cleaner" than the alternative, there's no doubt about that. But just because you trust Obama with this power doesn't mean that the next guy in charge'll be the same. Keep in mind that because of the policies of this current administration, the President, no matter who holds the office, has this particular authority and power.
You've seen how insane many people on the right have gotten. They still have a decent shot at winning the White House, solely because enough of them think that melanin can turn a center-right neoliberal Wall Street shill into a Muslim Communist Nazi Socialist Fascist Kenyan Usurper who wants to let 50 Cent(the most recent rapper they're aware of) decapitate white people and turn their heads into spinner G-Unit chains* and someone will indulge them. Would you trust any candidate that they would support with the power to execute American citizens and "war combatants" with predator drones?
*I'm surprised I haven't seen that one on freep. I really am.
I agree with you that the "power" can be misused. But it wasn't the Obama administration that granted these powers to the President. American polocy has always supported this type of action. Add that to the powers that bush gained after 9/11 and this type of action is inevitable for any administration.
People say they want a president that is strong on terrorism and Obama has done that. Yes there have been mistakes and unwarranted casualties but war is ugly and no matter what the policy is engaging in violent actions leaves collateral damage.
I personally like this approach as opposed to invading and occupying entire countries.
Of course there's a lot of collateral damage. That's what happens when you target gatherings like weddings and funerals. That's what happens when the administration in charge classifies all military-age males in an operational area as "militants".
If being "strong on terrorism" means doing the very things that lead to people picking up a gun and joining some cause opposed to the U.S., then maybe we should be rethinking our policies.