You can't call this robbery, because it was a close fight
at the end of the day manny had a chance to finish horn and didn't get the job done
Manny looked defeated had his head down, he felt he lost, and Roach even said he lost so did Arum
People just don't want to believe Manny lost to a bum, but he did, could he have gotten the decisive sure, but he didn't, fight was close enough to give to horn and he got the nod, thats what it was, no robbery
lmao at people bringing up compubox lmao, compubox is just an opinion it's not fact based, it doesn't go into the actual scoring of a fight ever, its not accurate either
don't why people always bring that shyt up after a close fight when he has no influence on the scoring or the decision
problem with boxing fans is they don't understand how boxing is scored and how fights are won
yes Manny did more damage, but that was in the 9th round, its just one round, fights are scored by who got more damaged inflicted on them
learn about the sport first and stop complaining
lmao at comparing this to canelo getting the nod by a judge which was complete bullshyt since he clearly lost every round lmao, thats robbery type job
a close fight going to go one guy is not a robbery, its just what the decision was