King Jove
King Of †he Gawds
"Congratulations, Great effort, I thought you lost" still got me 

Because he can't make adjustments and his corner is shyt. Dude lost the fight for have no inside game, and not cutting off the ring in round nine. Those two things gets Horn outta there easy. I think Mayweather could help, but I would prefer Hunter. The only problem with Hunter is he has Khan in his camp already.No the fukk he don't. Many is a smaller fighter that always depended on his athletic ability.
For casual fans it kind of isWhy is ESPN trying to kill boxing by word of mouth. Pacquiao isn't the end all or be all in the sport.
All you Floyd Stans need to prepare yourselves for McGregor to fight just as dirty and sloppy as this Horn guy did and end up getting a decision win because he was "aggressive".
Horn didn't fight like a professional boxer; he fought like a palooka. McGregor is going to fight the exact same way.
Arum was never letting a haymon fighter get that opportunitynow fukkery aside..pac showed his age and is fight 60 something fights with numerous happens to all greats..and chances are pac would have had his hands full with a younger elite welter like keith thurman and i kept on saying one of these younger WW nikkas should be lining up to bump off an older pacquiao...unfortunately that window for them passed now
Horn did look like a professional though. One thing I've noticed on this forum is that yall have a hard time evaluating "crude, ugly" fighters and dismiss them as bums.
Regardless, this will be Mcgregor's very first pro fight. He just won't have the experience to do much of anything.