Oh, y’all boys in here arguing, arguing.
And some of you dudes are flat out dikkheads. Be dropping hella wild spoilers—that you know good and goddamn well are spoilers for people that haven’t played the games. Yet, be having the nerve, the fukking audacity to talk about people "whining" about spoilers

Several of y'all have ZERO self-control. I've played the games and didn't feel the itch, need, inclination to spoil shyt. In turn, when season two rolls around, I'm putting cases on all you bytches! *Denzel*
What the dude that does the traveling videos call himself? The number one snitch? He’s going to be number two, because I’m going to get you negroes sent to Sing-Sing.
Anyways, I’d say it was about a 7.8 for me in terms of the season. I think some of the hyperbole just rubs me the wrong way

. Like, Mazin said TLOU had the greatest story of a video game ever during the little behind the episode video blurb. I sat in front of my TV (#oledgang) for about ten minutes in utter disbelief

. It’s a good show, but it hasn’t been AMAZING genre defining TV in my opinion. We’ll see what the future holds, though.
Now that I think about it, the last show I watched and thought it was GOAT level TV within a few episodes was the first season of True Detective.