'The Last of Us' - Season 1 Thread (NO GAME SPOILERS!) | HBO | January 15, 2023


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Well no shyt. Part 1 dropped in 2013 on PS3. The mechanics and graphics on a PS5 game better outshine a PS3 version.


I’m talkin story wise. TLOU is all about the storyline. If I want shoot’em up, bang bang in a zombie world, then I’m playing Resident Evil.

Well, im talking about the remake vs TLOU part 2, and naw i prefer LOU gameplay to pretty much every resident evil. the tanky-ness of RE has always felt wack to me, whether its the original control set, the over the shoulder or first person.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Those of you who are saying that we can't conclude based on the show that Ellie would have sacrificed herself are wrong.

Why do you think they added the flashback scenes with Ellie's mother at the beginning? (which wasn't in the game). Ellie is clearly traumatized by all of the horrific sh!t that she has had to go through her entire life SINCE BIRTH.

Ellie has survivor's guilt. Everyone in her life that she has loved or was close to has either died or left her (she says this in episode 6). Her mother, Riley, Tess, Sam & Henry (particularly Sam). All of them are dead and yet she is still alive. That's why she stops Joel and mentions their names at the end (except her mother because she didn't know her) and finally opens up about the fact that she had to kill Riley.

Ellie feels as though she is the lucky one. But there is a small silver lining in all of this for Ellie - she's immune and she's potentially the key to the cure (even if the creation of a cure is dubious at best). She can potentially save all of the Rileys of the world, the Sams of the world and so on. If she has to die for this to potentially happen, Ellie would choose to end her life in a heartbeat (her attachment with Joel notwithstanding).

That brings up the dilemma. Neither Marlene or Joel gave her a choice in the matter and that's because they were afraid. Marlene was afraid of a no from Ellie and Joel was afraid of a yes. Joel goes into J. Wick mode at the hospital and then lies to her about it. Deep down he knows that Ellie would've sacrificed herself but Joel was never going to let that happen because he sees Ellie as his daughter - and he wasn't going to lose her like he did with Sarah.

But that opens up a can of worms that will lead into the second season. Joel killed all of those Fireflies (except the 2 nurses) but they all had families of their own. How do you think those family members feel about what Joel did? Some of those Firefly family members will want revenge against Joel and they are just as "justified" for feeling that way (as Joel felt with Ellie at the hospital). Why does Joel think that he should live a life of relative peace and happiness when he took that away from others? It's a never-ending cycle.
If I killed in defense of my daughter i’d sleep like a BABY every night and very much be looking forward to living a life of peace and happiness afterwards in Jackson. I’d find out if Tommy’s wife had a sister and give Ellie a bunch of little sisters and brothers she can play etch a sketch with and teach how to stab infected with her little knife of death.

There’s nothing more noble than saving your child. Everyone else be damned. The doctor could have lived but instead took a scalpel out and threatened Joel. He got capped. Thats what happenes when you threaten someone with a weapon, he clearly wasn’t thinking about HIS OWN kid in the moment.


Jul 22, 2015
Sorry to bring this back up but I was going through the thread and it makes for a great discussion

WRITING (or staff) vs WHAT YOU SEE

I find that all these new shows suffer from this, and I never know who to side with. With all these behind the scenes, interviews, podcasts, etc... You can literally dive into the show like never before and get the ANSWER from creators, of what things mean. No more need from interpretation, just go right to the source, ask them, and then get the answer.

This USED to be my way of doing things. I don't give two fukks what some internet nerd "figured out" about the show. Some double meaning. Some ambiguous ending. I'd go right to the source, have them tell me what it meant, and accept that as cannon....

But ever since that "Gus is gay" shyt happened on the Breaking Bad podcast, this shyt been up in the air. You'll watch a show and get one direction, then the after show will tell you something totally different was going on, and you're a fukking idiot....

I don't know which lane to choose, but it's definitely becoming a lot more vague as to what is actually going on vs what they want to be going on. To bring it back, I never once thought the rebels were ON EQUAL FOOTING with fedra.. I mean withholding medicine and raping people is pretty high up on the list.. A lot higher than killing snitches.. But to the people who created the shyt, I'm way off and can't see that they are the same..

Just a thought
To me, I think it's best to go off what you see on the screen, especially to have a "legit" discussion on it. You are right that there is a lot of behind the scenes stuff and that can get muddy too. Writer may feel one way, director may read it another way, and the actor portraying the character may go another way with it. Also keeping it a buck, some of these creators and shyt are just out of touch and may not understand why regular ppl would come to certain views :manny:
Like the person I was goin back and forth kept bringing up the rebellions in history the director mentioned that they compared to Fedra.
I compared it to a slave rebellion. How can you say a slave rebellion is worse than the slavemasters when the slaves only went after ppl that harmed them? Also they never portrayed the KC rebellion as bad. They killed Fedra and collaborators. If they wanted to muddy the waters they couldve made it seem like they were killing innocents when they lined ppl up in that cell, but they didnt.

It's the same issue with the King static nikka. He arguing that Ellie wouldve died for the cure based on out of context bts quotes from Bella and the creator. They couldnt pull anything from the show backing up their claim though. I try not to listen to any BTS stuff. I only listen to pods that off their own take on how they view stuff, so I can get different perspectives. It it's something based on what the creator said or an episode featuring an interview with the creator I just skip it :manny:

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
If I killed in defense of my daughter i’d sleep like a BABY every night and very much be looking forward to living a life of peace and happiness afterwards in Jackson. I’d find out if Tommy’s wife had a sister and give Ellie a bunch of little sisters and brothers she can play etch a sketch with and teach how to stab infected with her little knife of death.

There’s nothing more noble than saving your child. Everyone else be damned. The doctor could have lived but instead took a scalpel out and threatened Joel. He got capped. Thats what happenes when you threaten someone with a weapon, he clearly wasn’t thinking about HIS OWN kid in the moment.
For every action, there is a reaction. You and your daughter are now targets to be killed. You can't live in "peace" forever. Fair is fair :manny:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
For every action, there is a reaction. You and your daughter are now targets to be killed. You can't live in "peace" forever. Fair is fair :manny:
There is no “fair” when it comes to life or death, there is only survival. There are legit murderers who get away and are never caught or suffer consequences of justice. Joel could have easily lived happily ever after in Jackson but of course this is a fictional story that must go on and have drama, action, and so on and so forth. The point is that applying “real world” logic to these things means we have to take into effect every potential outcome. Joel had killed before, for what is implied to be less “noble” reasons, and survived and was living in relative peace with Tess. Whats to say he couldn’t with Ellie? Really the only thing that fukked him up was actually showing mercy to the two nurses. They’d seen his face and known about Ellie‘s immunity. They’re the only ones who could point him out or even tell what happened. Kill them and your pretty much scott free.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
To this day I'll never understand why AMC got rid of Darabont. Show had so much potential. :snoop:
If i’m not mistaken I think it came down to money?

The network didn’t want to pay him what they owed him contractually and also wanted to increase the amount of seasons while slashing the porduction budget. He told them to go to hell with that bullshyt and they fired him. He sued and was awarded a pretty large settlement.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
There is no “fair” when it comes to life or death, there is only survival. There are legit murderers who get away and are never caught or suffer consequences of justice. Joel could have easily lived happily ever after in Jackson but of course this is a fictional story that must go on and have drama, action, and so on and so forth. The point is that applying “real world” logic to these things means we have to take into effect every potential outcome. Joel had killed before, for what is implied to be less “noble” reasons, and survived and was living in relative peace with Tess. Whats to say he couldn’t with Ellie? Really the only thing that fukked him up was actually showing mercy to the two nurses. They’d seen his face and known about Ellie‘s immunity. They’re the only ones who could point him out or even tell what happened. Kill them and your pretty much scott free.
Fair as in, you take a life and someone can take yours just as easily. Like I said, you can't live in peace FOREVER (you know what this word means), it will eventually come back to bite you.

You don't have a problem with that, cool. Just don't beat around the bush.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
but didnt Henry also make a selfish move ?

this is why that whole KC story was told.
Henry balanced everything out by making the ultimate sacrifice (killing his brother) for the "greater good" (saving Ellie).

Obviously, I'm not saying that was the "right" or "wrong" decision but he did it. Ellie and Joel were able to continue on because of it.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
It's still kind of weird since Marlene knew Ellie from birth and was in a sense her mother. Joel knew Ellie for only a few months. It's just weird to me how Marlene could be that headstrong on sacrificing Ellie like that after raising her.

It doesn’t seem like Marlene did any “mothering” to Ellie, which again really makes no sense from a storytelling perspective. She dumped her at the QZ and pretty much abandoned her until it was found out she was immune. Ellie had absolutely no idea who she was when they met in episode 1.

I actually think they should have axed Marlene being friends with Ellie’s mother and being there when she was born. It makes her just look like an evil bytch

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
Also, Ellie is 14. We're putting life or death decisions on a 14 year old? :unimpressed:
*This is not the normal word we're talking about here. This is a (fictional) post-apocalyptic world. The same rules don't apply.

*14 years olds are old enough. If Ellie was 4, this point would be much more valid.

*Joel has already entrusted Ellie with life or death decision-making.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
it really doesn't, me saying how poor the story in part 2 was is just how people felt about the game.
I think that type of story will translate better on TV though.

It's not just the coli breh
It definitely wont translate better on TV especially if they follow the same pacing of season 1…

As most of us know, the issue with the story isn’t dude being offed, it’s how/when it happened and how the rest of the story plays out after that scene…

The story after that scene is textbook seen it 100 times generic Hollywood revenge quest with no pay off and breaks Ellie’s character…She made it a point to tell Joel in part 1 “it can’t be for nothing” yet everything she does in part 2 is literally for nothing…